What Side of the Tree Does Moss Grow On?

Many people have heard stories about moss growing on trees throughout their lives. As we get older, though, we often learn that stories passed around as fact are not always true. If you’ve heard that moss always grows on the north side of a tree, you may wonder if that story is true or remains accurate at all times. 

Fortunately, our team at GM 2 Tree Services can answer your questions. We’re a trusted tree service in Southington, CT, and we help clients from all walks of life make the most of their property’s tree growth. 

In this blog, we talk about common myths surrounding moss, how moss grows, and what side of the tree moss grows on. To learn more about high-quality tree care, keep browsing our blog or contact our friendly GM 2 Tree Services staff with your questions today. 

How Moss Grows

Mosses consist of flowerless plants, typically green in color and bristly or grass-like in appearance. Mosses have no vascular system, meaning they do not draw water and other nutrients through roots or from the ground. Instead, these plants use osmosis to absorb water and food directly from their surrounding environment. 

Moss grows in shallow, rocky soils with excessive moisture and heavy shade. These plants prefer low soil pH and can grow in less fertile areas. 

Moss species spread by fragmentation, spore dispersal, wind, and insects.

Myths About Moss

Some common myths around moss growth include:

  • Moss only grows on the northern sides of the tree
  • Moss requires shade to live
  • Buttermilk propagates moss
  • Moss kills grass
  • Moss requires constant moisture
  • Moss kills trees
  • Dish soap treats moss growth
  • Moss is a parasite
  • Mosses are primitive plants
  • Moss means too much shade
  • And more

While some of these myths may have a loose basis, in fact, the majority of them simply aren’t true. 

Why The North Side Of The Tree? 

So, what side of the tree does moss grow on? In truth, moss often grows on the north side of the true. However, there is no magic behind this, just science.

Moss often grows on the north side of a tree in the northern hemisphere and on the south side of a tree trunk in the southern hemisphere. These sides of the trees receive the most shade and humidity in their respective regions. 

Is Moss Growth On Trees Ok? 

Moss growth on trees will generally not harm the trees. Since mosses gain their water and nutrients through osmosis, they do not root into or damage the bark of a tree. 

In some cases, heavy moss growth can put additional weight on bark or limbs. In these cases, tree care professionals may lightly treat or remove some of the moss. 

Does Moss Die Off In Winter? 

Moss proves itself hardy during cold winter temperatures. These plants enter a period of dormancy during dry spells and temperature drops, quickly reemerging in the wet spring season. 

Because of this resilience, moss serves as a fantastic overwintering cover for many types of garden beds. 

What To Do About Moss

If you notice moss growth on your property’s trees, consult with an experienced tree professional to ensure your trees don’t possess any underlying issues. 

Otherwise, moss signifies that your property’s ecosystem remains diverse and thriving!

Expert Tree Care In Southington, CT

Now that you know all you need to know about moss, you can stop feeling concerned about the plant’s appearance on your property. 

To schedule regular tree care and inspections with a reliable tree company, reach out to our team at GM 2 Tree Services by calling 860-940-5783 today. 

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