Winter Tree Care Service Bristol CT

Winter Tree Care Service

For expert winter tree care service anywhere in Connecticut, call GM2 Tree Service at (860) 940-5783 to save time and money on tree work for the winter season.

Preparing your trees for the winter is essential for maintaining your yard’s aesthetics and health. Sunlight, humidity, and ground moisture levels decline during the winter, so trees and plants will not receive the same amount of nutrients and oxygenation as they do in the summer and spring. Many homeowners prepare their landscapes by mulching or gathering fallen leaves, but arborist-approved winter care plans that can account for tree health, age, and unique needs will always work better.

Whenever residents and business owners of Bristol, CT, need a reliable winter tree care service to maintain their yards, landscapes, and trees through low temperatures and scarce moisture levels, they know to call our licensed arborists at GM2 Tree Service.

We are the number one tree trimming service in all our service areas across Connecticut. Our snow plowing and tree pruning work earns us hundreds of five-star reviews from satisfied clients who want to be well-prepared for the winter weather. We would be happy to have yours as our next one.

Why Do You Need Winter Tree Care Service?

Our arborists at GM2 Tree Service look after thousands of trees in residential and commercial properties, and no two trees are the same. We inspect the condition of the limbs, bark, and roots of each tree we service, so we can spot potential hazards early and eliminate them. For example, cracked and hollowing branches may supply trees with nutrients during the summer, but they can be falling hazards when covered with thick snow or exposed to strong winds in the winter.

We prune most trees after finalizing our assessment so that they don’t waste nutrients and moisture on diseased or dying branches when water and soil nutrients are scarce. People can perform these activities without professional help, but licensed arborists have decades of experience working with all tree species. We eliminate the risk of a misdiagnosis or injuries from slips and falls for thousands of Connecticut residents.

Here are a few winter tree care services our team performs:

  • Diseased and dying tree removal: Unhealthy trees might die during the winter and spread diseases to neighboring plant life. Our team will remove them from your property before they pose a threat.
  • Tree posture correction and bracing: Leaning trees might crack or fall over under the immense weight of accumulated snow. Our arborists could remove them or correct their posture before they damage roofs and outdoor installations.
  • Snow damage recovery: Some trees can hide structural issues, especially if they have not had a checkup in a long time. Our arborists will save their major limbs, crown, and branches if they lean over from snow damage.
  • Snow plowing: Our workers can remove snow from your sidewalks, driveways, and loading bays to stop ice from forming and suffocating your plants.

Reasons to Avoid DIY Winter Tree Care

Our arborists and technicians were once DIY tree carers before they went through training and apprenticeships that allowed them to offer their services to the public. Performing maintenance activities with no professional help to save a few bucks can be tempting, but it entails a few risks.

Involves Working From Dangerous Heights

Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics reveal that falls from ladders were responsible for over 160 fatal injuries in 2020. Some of these fatalities are DIY painters and landscapers with no professional licenses.

Can Be Expensive

At GM2 Tree Service, we leverage our longstanding relationships with equipment providers and soil care material suppliers to offer our customers lower prices than they could achieve with DIY tree care.

Requires Hours of Labor

Tree assessments can take hours, and branch removal, bark treatments, and soil prep can take days to complete. Our technicians always stick to agreed-upon project deadlines, so our customers can focus on more enjoyable activities while we work on their trees.

Why Hire Winter Tree Care Service Professionals?

According to researchers from the University of Washington, having large and well-maintained trees in your yards and streets can improve your home or commercial property values by as much as 15%. Hiring arborists from a winter tree care service will help you protect your investments from environmental threats, such as:

  • Cold stress from drastic changes in the daytime and nighttime temperatures causes the cracking of bark and branch tissues.
  • Winter droughts can hinder leaf growth and prevent trees from resting and lying dormant through the season.
  • Rodent damage from rabbits, squirrels, and raccoons can wound trees and spread diseases from one yard to another.

Hiring winter tree service ensures that skilled professionals with up-to-date industrial equipment will care for your yard, minimizing the margin for error. We can remove the roots of dead trees that can host a broad range of fungi and viruses that will spread to your healthy trees when the cold months are over. We can also grind stumps of old trees to prevent them from becoming an eyesore.

If you own a commercial property, studies show that trees can improve rental rates by as much as 7%. GM2 Tree Service is the number one provider of commercial snow plowing and landscaping services in Connecticut, helping property managers keep greener apartment complexes, shopping centers, and parking lots all over the state.

Hire the Best Winter Tree Service in Bristol, CT, Today by Calling GM2 Tree Service

Hiring a winter tree care service will shield your trees from a broad range of diseases that dead, damaged, and dying bark tissue can host. We can scaffold branches on young trees, so they can optimally photosynthesize during the harsh winter months. Our snow plowing equipment allows us to preserve hectares of green spaces in a few hours.

Call the GM2 Tree Service at (860) 940-5783 to prepare your trees for the winter. We will give you a free consultation after an initial assessment.

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